#17 of All the Things-The Power of Vulnerability


Brené Brown is a funny “researcher storyteller” and gives an amazing TED Talk called The Power of Vulnerability.  It’s the story of how a piece of her research changed her perception and changed the way she lives, loves, works, and parents.

She learned from years of interviews and thousands of pieces of data that the people who felt love and belonging were simply the people that believed they were worthy of love and belonging.   Our goal should be to be whole-hearted which means we have to have courage, compassion to ourselves first, and then to others, and connection.  We also need to embrace vulnerability because as Brené shows us, what makes us vulnerable makes us beautiful.

She shows us her journey and how this research collided with her natural outlook on life. She talks about our struggles with this, why and how we numb and why that truly is a problem and why numbing has bigger consequences than we probably realize. She also talks about our job as parents when it comes to raising kids.

The video is about 20 minutes long and is humorous and filled with insight:

I learned much from this video and now I will strive to:

  • Let myself be seen.
  • To love with my whole heart.
  • To practice gratitude and joy inside of my anxiety.
  • To believe I am enough.

Brené is the author of many books including the two below that I’ve read and am working on blog posts about:


Brené Brown  was also a guest on my favorite podcast, Magic Lessons.  You can check it out in #5 of All the Things.

I hope you liked the video and you check out her books.  Click on the books on this blog to add them to your Goodreads list.  For more information see the What is Goodreads? post.  See you on Monday, where I’ll be sharing Jenny Lawson’s newest book.

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All the best,


Question of the day.  What TED Talk or inspirational video do you think I should see?

10 thoughts on “#17 of All the Things-The Power of Vulnerability

  1. Here’s a TED talk from the funniest, most endearing scientist of whom I’m aware, Emily Graslie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyiGFPI6z6g. It’s pleasantly coincidental that you wrote about Brene Brown today because I’m re-reading Jenny’s “Furiously Happy” as a stop-gap measure before buying her new book this weekend and just moments ago, I read her homage to Brene. I am now thoroughly intrigued and will definitely investigate her further. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post. I would recommend the TED Talk with Monica Lewinsky — really. I was moved by her story of what her life was like after the news hit the fan — and how she is overcoming and persevering. It changed my opinion of her.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m trying to resist the urge to keep commenting on your blog. I don’t want to become THAT guy. However, I can’t resist. My wife and I just watched this TED talk a few days ago and we’re still talking about it (I know its several years old, but we’re just getting back into TED talks).

    As a guy, it feels incredibly counterintuitive to acknowledge how much strength and courage is necessary to embrace “weakness” (more appropriately defined as vulnerability). However, she is absolutely right. This 20-minute talk is transformative.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you comment! It’s pretty cool to find the people that like all this the way I do! She has another TED talk about shame. Plus her books go into it with a lot more depth. In daring greatly she talks about how and why she started including men in her research. It’s really interesting.

      Liked by 1 person

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